Our village

Beautiful panoramic landscape with great river valleys, deep gorges, waterfalls, natural springs, hills, natural vegetations and local agricultural activities on small farms is what makes our village on southern slopes of Mount Meru a choice of many visitors. The silence in the sprawling village is punctuated only by crisp air that hung in the air almost throughout the day, including the call of forest birds that always wake-up these Mountain farmers of Africa -Meru people!

Meru people history and sense of nature dominate most of the briefing from the guides. Visitors are taken around to explore some of the remaining memorial buildings, which were put in place before and during German & British colonial times. Visitors get an insight on how missionaries worked to introduce Christianity in this area and how they expanded the missionary tasks in other parts of Meru land and the challenges they faced.

‘Welcome to a fascinating green slopes of Mount Meru and experience real African life’

Where are we located!

Under the tree known as Nringaringa (Meru name for Cordia Africana) is where the program head office is located. The place serves as the headquarters of Meru tribe where all matters regarding traditional leadership, culture and politics gets official traditional blessing by the clan leaders. All the clan leaders meet here every time for crucial tribal meetings and decision making for all matters regarding Meru people and their land.

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Getting there